Author, Lecturer, Teacher & Psychic Medium
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Author, Lecturer, Teacher & Psychic Medium
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Pinpoint your psychic strengths, discover a variety of divination methods, and hone your spirit communication skills with this guide to creating your unique psychic handbook.
Instead of using a cookie-cutter approach, Michelle Welch shows you how to build a personalized system for psychic development. She shares what s
Michelle Welch is a psychic medium, author, CEO, and mother of five. Welch is a licensed attorney who employs her intuitive and psychic abilities to high profile court cases. She hosts the podcast SoulWhat on all listening platforms, youtube, and facebook. Welch also hosts Tarot Takeaways, a SoulTopia instagram series. She is the owner of the Northwest Tarot Symposium and The International Divination Event.
In her spare time she is training to be a death doula, enjoys fishing, reading and writing. Interestingly, fishing connects her to her grandmother who lived to be 106 years old and keeps her close to her southern roots.
She was born and raised in Longview Texas in a religious family of four. Because of her spiritual childhood she always had a relationship with angels, God, and other spiritual beings. Once she graduated she attended Texas A&M to receive her BBA in business. Subsequently, she attended Baylor Law School to become a licensed attorney. Through law she is able to utilize her intuitive abilities to easily pick juries. Michelle has appeared on CBS News, The Jenny McCarthy show, Coast to Coast, and many more. Most recently she has done book signings at the International New Age Trade Show in Denver, Colorado, and the American Librarian Association in DC.
Book this for a 12 Month Forecast reading. This is an In-Person or ZOOM session.
$250 / Session
60 Minutes
As we enter the holiday season filled with warm lights and cheerful festivity, we also acknowledge these may be challenging times for many. We may be barraged with feelings from a different time in our lives. This nostalgia is often bittersweet. The holidays trigger many thoughts and emotions. Hopefully, they are pleasant and happy reminiscences. Unfortunately, for some, the memories are of experiences that brought disappointment and sadness. We pray for love, peace, and glad tidings for all this holiday season.
Crystals are beautiful, energetic beings that help bring us cheer on our holiday journey. Below is a list of everyday stressors many of us experience during the holiday season and the crystals we can implement to help positively support us.
Preparing – As we enter the holiday season, we have a list as long as Santa’s beard of things we may feel pressed to accomplish, such as sending cards, decorating, gift buying, cooking, and traveling (you get the idea). Crystals for energy and vitality, such as Carnelian, Red Calcite, Red Jasper, and Fire Agate, are great energy boosters. Red Calcite not only increases energy, but it also uplifts you so you can make wise decisions. Amethyst, Lepidolite, Lithium Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, and Topaz are excellent for alleviating any accompanying stress. Lepidolite is a natural lithium and the perfect stone for stress and anxiety.
Focusing and Calming Racing Minds – Give yourself the gift of focused attention by working with Carnelian, Clear Quartz, Fluorite, and Hematite. Hematite is a grounding stone that calms the mind and helps us stay focused on the task. Fluorite focuses the mind and creates order out of potential chaos.
Asking for Help - Sometimes, letting others know you need assistance with preparations can relieve undue pressure. If you have trouble asking for help, reach for a blue gemstone such as Sodalite. Sodalite will help you calmly speak your truth before frustration enters the picture.
Traveling Safely – As the day of the holiday approaches, many find themselves traveling by road, air, or perhaps even taking a cruise. Malachite, Moonstone, and Turquoise are all crystals for safe and comfortable travel. Aquamarine is well known for providing safety at sea. Work with Malachite to connect with Archangel Raphael, the Patron Angel of Travel.
Alleviating Homesickness – Many people cannot physically be with their loved ones during the holidays. Amethyst helps with homesickness by helping us enjoy our present circumstances.
Eating Healthy – The potential for overeating during the holidays is a genuine issue. Work functions and holiday parties may be a valid concern for many who struggle in this area. Angelite, Apatite, Astrophyllite, Citrine, Clear Calcite, Garnet, Green Aventurine, Red Calcite, Red Jasper, Rhodonite, Ruby, Shungite, Sunstone, and Unakite all help with various issues involved in healthy eating. Apatite boosts metabolism and helps control cravings, while Shungite is perfect for cleansing.
Inviting Harmony – The holidays bring together friends and family. Harmony amongst those gathering is of paramount concern. Brown Tourmaline (Dravide), Citrine, Fuchsite, Tiger Iron, and Spirit Quartz are excellent crystals for relationships and harmony. Tiger Iron is a combination of Hematite, Jasper, and Tiger’s Eye. It is beneficial for bringing about harmony during family interactions.
Overcoming Grief – There is no doubt that days that are meant to be joyful may bring great sadness and even grief to those who have suffered loss or abandonment. Jet and Yellow Calcite combine beautifully to soothe sadness, grief, and loneliness.
SoulTopia LLC sends you love this holiday season. We pray for peace and joy for all.
Michelle Welch
Copyright © 2023 Michelle Welch - All Rights Reserved.
Our services are for entertainment purposes only, the results of the service are not guaranteed, and the service is no substitute for professional advice.